Sunday, February 14, 2021

The Left and their Anti-American ideologies

Southern Lawmakers Tell Leftists They're Not Putting Up with Anti-Americanism

Where did all these crazies come from? It started with Obama and anti-Americanism metastasized quickly into a 5 Stage cancer.

"In recent years, the emboldened left has tried to force Americans into adopting their radical, divisive ideas. They’ve tried to convince every white person that they’re racist and must atone for it.

Progressives are trying to insert unnatural gender ideas, critical race theory (which suggests the system is inherently racist and that whites maintain power by oppressing people of color) and revisionist history (in the form of The Times’ 1619 Project) into the curricula of public schools. And they’ve been able to do so with relative ease.

U.S. voters elected a “woke,” power-hungry and anti-American administration." Can half our nation be that brainwashed? Only two southern lawmakers have spoken out...there needs to be all Senators speaking out to save America.


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