Thursday, February 4, 2021

Some People will do anything for Money

Harrison Ford, Sam Elliott, Martin Sheen, Mark Hamill Narrated Lincoln Project Politcal Ads

Several influential left-wing celebrities — including A-list actors Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Sam Elliott, and Martin Sheen — have lent their voices to the anti-Trump Lincoln Project, which now faces mounting criticisms and questions following damning accusations lodged against one of its co-founders, John Weaver, who has been accused of sending sexually explicit messages to young men.

Read about the Hollywood Left-Wing haters...

Having gone to movies every week throughout my adult life, I stopped going when the Coronavirus took hold and have not been back. I won't give one dime to support people such as those from Hollywood. It's all about the money for them as it is for all Democrats selling our country down the river for the vote.

"Hollywood’s long-term plans all involved Chinese money. As America’s box office numbers started to plateau, the industry began looking at ways of milking the biggest and fastest growing audience in the world – tapping into the Chinese market with Hollywood movies that included enough Asian cultural nods to feel relevant."

And then Trump came along sinking the Hollywood deal by slapping them with $500 billion in tariffs.

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