Monday, February 15, 2021

Socialists trying to take over our city government in Lake Worth

Democratic Socialist running for District 3?

Does this candidate want to end Capitalism!!?

This is what they stand for:

 We are the Palm Beach County chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America.

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is the largest socialist organization in the United States. DSA’s members are building progressive movements for social change while establishing an openly democratic socialist presence in American communities and politics.

At the root of our socialism is a profound commitment to democracy, as means and end. As we are unlikely to see an immediate end to capitalism tomorrow, DSA fights for reforms today that will weaken the power of corporations and increase the power of working people. For example, we support reforms that:

    decrease the influence of money in politics
    empower ordinary people in workplaces and the economy
    restructure gender and cultural relationships to be more equitable.

We are activists committed to democracy as not simply one of our political values but our means of restructuring society. Our vision is of a society in which people have a real voice in the choices and relationships that affect the entirety of our lives. We call this vision democratic socialism — a vision of a more free, democratic and humane society.

We are socialists because we reject an international economic order sustained by private profit, alienated labor, race and gender discrimination, environmental destruction, and brutality and violence in defense of the status quo.

We are socialists because we share a vision of a humane international social order based both on democratic planning and market mechanisms to achieve equitable distribution of resources, meaningful work, a healthy environment, sustainable growth, gender and racial equality, and non-oppressive relationships.


  1. Gimme a break. Socialism has been a failure everywhere in the world. Socialists hate people who work hard and make a lot of money and are successful. Everyone has the opportunity in this country to be successful.

  2. We must keep the incumbents IN!

    The alternative has shown their cards supporting socialism.

  3. She looks cute but a socialist? ugh. don't we have enough problems in our town?

  4. This should be a lesson for those who cry term-limits.

    If you are lucky enough to have good people; Keep Them.

    I voted for Andy!

  5. @9:17--so true. I have always been for Term Limits but I have vacillated back and forth through the years. You never know what you will get until you get it, if you get my drift. We all found out the hard way when Omari Hardy was voted in. The grass isn't always greener. If someone is NOT doing the job, you vote them out. Andy has done the job.

  6. Is she a member of the DSA or is the DSA endorsing her?

    I mean, David Duke backed Trump but that doesn't mean that Trump agrees with Duke, in fact, I think he said he didn't.

  7. The DSA interviewed her in December and endorsed her. They agreed with her direction...Green New deal and all and voted to endorse her. Whether she is a member of this organization is not the point. She stands for everything they do...socialism.

  8. And what about people who said "Andy planted her, so he could do fund-raisers?"

    Research before you speak. We could be stuck going in the wrong direction. Betty Resch backs Kimberly Stokes! Keep that in mind.

  9. @10:51...that's a riot! Andy "planted" her. That's too funny.
    And Betty Resch endorsed her...of course she did. Is that supposed to convince people to vote for her? A socialist?
    Take your own advice and research...thank you.
    Andy happens to be one of the best on the dais.

  10. "Whether she is a member of this organization is not the point."

    But that is EXACTLY the point. You're calling her a Democratic Socialist. If she isn't actually a Democratic Socialist but merely endorsed by that political organization then calling her one is wrong.

  11. @11:31...why don't you just ask her. To have a group against the principles of the United States of America (we are a market-driven economy) would not be smart to accept their endorsement unless you agreed with them. Use some logic. I doubt if someone would accept the endorsement of the Police unless they believed in the Men in Blue and all they stand for..
    So, obviously you like a socialist for Lake Worth. Great. So, why are you covering up for her? Politicians try and fool you. Do you think she is actually going to tell people she IS a socialist?

  12. Well, at least she's not an anarchist. We've had them running.

    Relax, she's not going to win.
