Friday, February 12, 2021

Re-elect Andy Amoroso Lake Worth City Commissioner

Andy Amoroso has been elected to serve District 3 since November 2011.

I personally believe he is one of the hardest working commissioners on the dais.

Read about Andy


  1. nothing will change

  2. Unfortunately Andy could not make the assigned time for this debate---but there will be more!

  3. Drew is 100% right on the pool...fix what we have.

  4. Term limits. No matter who gets elected.

  5. Andy is always willing to help and we know where we can find him. What is with Kim Stokes? Has she ever volunteered or served this community? Dont recognize her. She was endorsed by the Democratic Socialist Party. We cant have this in Lake Worth.

  6. What - exactly - has Andy done here? Sure, he's on committees and boards around the state and now the National League of Cities, but what has the brought HERE?

    Working hard with no tangible results means nothing. He's a puppet with no thoughts of his own and even when he does have one, he lacks the balls to go against the grain. Always.

  7. @10:54. Andy was just re-appointed to the NLC 2021 Community & Economic Development A
    federal Advocacy Committee to repesent this city in Tallahassee and Washington DC. He will be our voice on the ground.

  8. What you're saying 10:54 is that Andy doesn't vote with your socialist friends but uses his brain.

  9. I like Andy and I voted for him. End of Story!
