Monday, February 8, 2021

Kamala never did "get it"

Kamala Harris Says There Will Be Job Creation Around 'Reclaiming Abandoned Land Mines'

Harris told the outlet that the workers’ skills could be transferred “to what we need to do in terms of dealing with reclaiming abandoned land mines.”


Whether she doesn’t know what language to use when discussing mines or she was simply reading the words from a teleprompter, there is a larger point to consider.

This woman is the vice president, and what she says has consequences. The consequences, in this case, make it seem like she has no idea about what the people in the mining industry are facing and that it doesn’t even matter to her.



  1. Maybe she could train everyone personally.

  2. So, are they going to train them to be sappers?

    Not knowing anything about it, but thinking about it in the context of land mines, I guess they do use dynamite in fracking.

    That was a very odd statement for her to make without any explanation as to what land mines she is talking about.

    There are still plenty of land mines in Viet Nam.

    Also, they now have trained these large rodents to point out to the sapper where the land mines are.

    Extremely dangerous work.
