Saturday, February 13, 2021

"Hypocrisy" was the key word in Friday's Impeachment Trial

Trump Impeachment trial-Friday

Friday was like night and day compared to Trump's team on opening day. They presented a compelling case that no one can deny.

Former President Donald Trump’s legal team accused legislators of hypocrisy as they played lengthy video montages of elected officials speaking about committing assault against Trump, threatening his supporters and backing protests last year that regularly turned violent.

Lawyers for Trump later played video clips of Pelosi and others making inflammatory comments, the same "fighting" words that they accused President Trump of using.

Read about it...


  1. To the anonymous poster who really thinks I might post their crap--take a hike.
    It may not be proven that there were Antifa people at the Capitol that day because they wore red caps and pretended to be Trump supporters but what we do know is that there were only a few hundred or so rioters out of thousands of Trump supporters. So much less than all the rioters all of the country over the summer who burned down businesses,killed people and did billions of dollars worth of damage.

  2. Dems want an extension; proof positive that they LOST in this waste of taxpayer dollars. The best clip was of Kamel-a cackling like a witch as she threatened violence on national TV. No one watches Ellen so it's good the clip was shown.
