Thursday, February 4, 2021

Democrats Reject a Message of Unity

Democrats Oppose Matt Gaetz Proposal to Recite Pledge of Allegiance at House Judiciary Hearings

“It’s been a part of our tradition in this country since 1892. It’s an important institution that we have,” Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) added. “It’s one of those things that verbalizes, in just 15 seconds, it won’t take a lot of our time, but it verbalizes the things that unify us, the principles that make us the great flourishing Republic that we are.”

Democrats object to the 15 seconds it would take to say the Pledge. They certainly are showing that America is NOT first.

Read about it...


  1. Both parties have become obsessed with trivia. It might be better to see what the Chinese and the Russians have planned for us, than to waste time with form over substance.

  2. Matt's the guy who wore a gas mask on the House floor to mock COVID so you know he's a pretty serious person.

  3. Matt Gazetz is one of the good guys. Visuals are great, aren't they? Actually he was wearing it to bring attention to the seriousness of it and to pass the Stimulus.

  4. Gaetz pointed to "the most relevant factual information" as what would "help us defeat this virus, not a bunch of Democrats trying to use it to try to weaponize politics against the President."

  5. Y'all tried on January 6th, Lynn. But all you did was kill a cop. You couldn't overturn our country.

    Come at us again. We're so waiting for you.

  6. The Pledge is recited each morning before the full House.

    This is like singing the National Anthem before the start of each quarter in a football game. Maybe you think that's a great idea, too, but if that's your idea of what "patriotism" is, well, what can I say?

  7. Democrats have an answer for everything to justify their lack of patriotism.
    This pledge was to be BEFORE the Judiciary Committee, not the full House.
    Get it?
    Your analogy is laughable.
