Wednesday, February 17, 2021

British Liberal Judges Worse than ours?

Judge Issues Shock Decision: Woman Who Pushed 'White B****' Into Path of Oncoming Bus Won't See Prison Anytime Soon

This is a shocking story.

The incident occurred in May 2018, when Amelia Doris — a 40-year-old black woman who has been dubbed the “Pimlico Pusher” — was captured on video pushing Linda Lancaster, who is white and in her 60s, onto a London street just as a bus plowed forward.

This is a Hate crime, pure and simple. And these sorts of criminal acts are intensifying across the globe. And it took all of this time for this woman to plead guilty to assault. Last week, British Judge Sally Cahill sentenced her to a 10-month suspended sentence.

Read about it... and what caused this woman to nearly kill this senior citizen.

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