Saturday, February 20, 2021

Biden plans to return to 2015 Nuclear Deal

Biden caving in to Iran but this was Obama's deal.

US says it’s ready to join talks to resume Iran nuclear deal

The Biden administration said Thursday it’s ready to join talks with Iran and world powers to discuss a return to the 2015 nuclear deal. It’s also reversed the Trump administration’s determination that all U.N. sanctions against Iran had been restored and eased stringent restrictions on the domestic U.S. travel of Iranian diplomats posted to the United Nations.

The State Department said the U.S. would accept an invitation from the European Union to attend a meeting of the participants in the original agreement. The U.S. has not participated in a meeting of those participants since former President Donald Trump withdrew from the deal in 2018.

DONALD Trump described the Iran nuclear deal as the "worst ever" agreement negotiated by the US. “In fact, the deal allowed Iran to continue enriching uranium and over time reach the brink of a nuclear blackout.”

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