Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The Pendulum Swings

So, Republicans are not mass murderers and Granny killers anymore?

Democrat mayors and governors across the country, some of the biggest and most ardent proponents of lockdowns, now insist that we must begin to open up the economy as quickly as possible.

Democrats successfully used Covid-19 against President Trump to win the presidency. It was their only platform and the majority of voters believed the ruse. Blaming Trump on the China virus was a politically fun thing to do and it shows how susceptible Democrats are to believing the outrageous.

Even that wild dame, Lori Lightfoot, mayor of Chicago. called for bars and restaurants to be open at limited capacity “as soon as possible.

Although Joe says he will mandate masks during his first 100 days, we look for this virus to be contained with the vaccine now on the market that Trump negotiated and accelerated with Big Pharma.

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