Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Lincoln Project--NO Integrity

Lincoln Project Constantly Talked About Trump's Integrity; It's Now Been Revealed What Co-Founder Was Doing Behind the Scenes

The Lincoln Project is the most dispicable group that came out of this anti-Trump era.

"During the 2020 presidential election, it aimed to prevent the re-election of Donald Trump and defeat all Republicans in close races running for re-election in the United States Senate." [Wikipedia]

And they did this in the sleaziest of ways.

The Group named itself the "Lincoln" Project, for Abraham Lincoln who fought to keep the country unified. This group did just the opposite with massive amounts of lying attack ads.

Everyone remembers Anthony Scaramucci, the guy who was Trump's Communications Director for a total of 10 days. He, too, joined the Lincoln Project so he could vet his hatred. President Trump dismissed Scaramucci for his incompetence and being unfit for his former post.

Read more... about one of the members who truly had zero integrity.

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