Friday, January 29, 2021

Senator Ted Cruz proposes Term Limits for Congress

Sen. Cruz announces term-limit proposal to ‘hold career politicians accountable’

His term-limit proposal would limit senators to 12 years in D.C. and representatives to six years in office.

“Today my colleagues and I reintroduced a constitutional amendment to impose #TermLimits on Members of Congress,” Cruz wrote.

Read about it... We also need term limits in Lake Worth.


  1. Congress has a vast pool to choose from. Lake Worth has limited talent. One running for commissioner has been endorsed by DSA - Democratic Socialist Assoc.

    We need no socialist anywhere!

  2. Kim Stokes has it proudly displayed on her fb page/ DSA - Democratic Socialist Assoc.

  3. Please post link to her campaign page and also name the candidate who is a Democratic Socialist.

  4. Don't understand the link you sent to me...did not open it. I need a link to her Facebook page where she posted.

  5. You may believe it but I still need proof. Thanks

  6. I emailed you the post
