Friday, January 29, 2021

Omari Hardy to help on Gun Violence Task Force

Omari Hardy, Shevrin Jones refile measure setting up gun violence task force

The legislation would set up a 10-person “Urban Core Gun Violence Task Force.” The body would “investigate system failures and the causes of high crime rates and gun violence incidents in urban core neighborhoods and communities.

The presence of far-reaching government programs has created a cascade of problems: dependency, victimhood, entitlement, etc. Big-government programs destroy and replace the urban family unit as well as individual responsibility and self-reliance, and it replaces these pillars of well-functioning communities with an army of disinterested government bureaucrats. [The Hill]<

We really don't need another government study on this. Get rid of the government umbilical cord that absolves personal responsibility and breeds dependence. Look to the politics of elected officials in these urban cities as the root cause.


  1. I can't stand looking at his face without saying "whose" face.

  2. He keeps getting his name in the news.

  3. He needs to be gone! He is a waste

  4. Good luck Omari you aren't taking our guns away.
