Wednesday, January 27, 2021

New World Order Joe!

Shocking Article From 1992 Reveals Joe Biden Pledging Allegiance To The New World Order

Here we have the man who is currently the president of our country actually professing love for the idea of a one world government.

President Joe Biden supports the death of the American experiment in self-governance and wants to see us all made subservient to the United Nations.

Read about Joe


  1. I’m sure you had a great prosperous 4 years under Trump so sorry you had it rough during Obama and I hope you persevere these tough 4 years under Biden/Harris, life is tough eh.

  2. will see the quick destruction of our country AND then you might/will agree that "life is tough, eh."

  3. My introduction to Globalism was through George H.W. Bush.

    For some reason, it took Americans quite awhile to see what it was doing to us. After all, if Walmart, and the products they sell, which we hardly have any alternative to purchasing, wasn't our baptism into Globalism, I don't know what was.

    Hardly an aspirin which is swallowed, is made anywhere else but China.

  4. @1:01pm...Because he wanted free trade between Canada, Mexico and the United States? I think Clinton did that under NAFTA.

  5. I don't think there was much opposition at the time from either party. I was never fond of buying products from China, but there was little choice.

    Hindsight is 2020!

    Didn't we all think of ourselves as "Free Traders" at one time?

    The coasts don't produce anything, but they freely take from the sweat and toil off the middle of the country. Not racism, but certainly class discrimination.

    This story is all just beginning to unfold.
