Sunday, January 24, 2021

Nancy Pelosi and a Ukraine/Russia connection?

Pelosi’s Son Involved In Ukraine Scandal-

State Records Link Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Son, Paul Pelosi Jr., to Oil Company With Founding Member in Moscow Russia

On March 5, 2013, NRGLab New Technology posted two videos on Youtube. One video opened with a clip of Nancy Pelosi discussing energy-efficient technology, followed by a direct-to-camera statement from her son Paul Pelosi Jr., filmed in Washington, D.C. in 2010.

“My name’s Paul Pelosi. Of course I’m on the board of Viscoil. And Viscoil is here today to talk about accelerating the future. It’s about using cars in a more efficient manner. It’s about utilizing natural resources, whether it be electricity, or gas, or fossil fuels in a more efficient way. And Viscoil is a part of that solution,” Paul Pelosi Jr. said in the video.

Paul Pelosi Jr., son of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), was a board member for a company called Viscoil, a corporation registered in California, with ties to Russia. Paul Jr. was also the President of an investment company which the SEC charged with fraud claiming the company was “secretly controlled” by others who had violated federal securities laws.[Americasfreedomfighters]

Nancy Pelosi promotional video in 2017

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