Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Kudos to Lake Worth (Beach's) Mary Lindsey

In Lake Worth Beach, Mary Lindsey gives 'little libraries' a big presence

"Since 2015, Lindsey has overseen the creation of about 100 Little Free Libraries around the city. The neighborhood book exchange program was created to promote literacy.

The program recently passed a milestone of 500,000 books distributed, Lindsey said. It's also served as a lifeline for the community after the COVID-19 epidemic shut down the city's library for months.

Books await readers in the Little Free Library outside Mary Lindsey's house in Lake Worth Beach."

Read about Mary...


  1. if everything holds this virus who makes sure these books are not contaminated

  2. Such a great story. Neighbors caring and sharing with neighbors. Some may get upset that "free stuff" is being given to people, but I love this.

  3. @5:49..."free stuff" is not being given to anyone. You borrow a book, you replace that book.

  4. Mary's little free libraries are THE BEST. Thank you Mary Lindsey for all you di for our community.

  5. Nancy, you're obviously not up on the book scene. There is no free stuff here. You couldn't pay someone to take books away. Just use the LFL, enjoy the books, and don't worry about free books in a social context.

    What are we turning into!

  6. I didn't mean to upset anyone.

    There ARE people who are against these services that help others. That's all I'm saying. If you're not one of them then great...neither am I! :)

    Have a blessed day.

  7. 10:53 you must know some first-class losers if they are against the Little Free Libraries.

  8. Well, I agree with you commenters...they are huge losers. They're not my friends. People who are against helping others or making life a little easier for those in need are the real losers. I think we can all agree on that, too. :)
