Thursday, January 7, 2021

Janet Yellen

Is Biden's Pick for Treasury Secretary Already in the Pocket of Wall Street?

Look How She Made Millions in the Past 2 Years

"The woman chosen by former Vice President Joe Biden to head the Treasury Department in a prospective Biden administration is drawing attention for racking up millions in speaker fees from the financial industry after leaving her position as the Federal Reserve Chair.

Janet Yellen has spoken at more than 50 in-person and virtual events since 2018, getting more than $7 million in speaker fees, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Although getting millions from speeches is common for current and former public officials, the audiences for these speeches are raising eyebrows."

Read about Janet


  1. What a hack article.
    She was the Fed Chair, Lynn. Nothing to see here.

  2. What kind of an audience would you expect a Treasury Secretary to give speeches to?

    I like Janet. I thought it was unreasonable for her to be removed as the Fed Chairman. Alan Greenspan was Fed Chairman through several Administrations.

    I also like the current Fed Chairman, Jerome Powell, and I hope he is kept through the next Presidential cycle, although, I do wish Powell would go to Publix now and then, so he could check on inflation in a real world setting.
