Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Here's the Take

“How to Lose Georgia Senate Seats with This One Trick” by Mitch McConnell

If McConnell had wanted to win two Senate seats in Georgia and thus keep the Senate under Republican control, he should have put up a one-page bill for COVID relief checks that everyone could have understood. Instead, McConnell tied the bigger relief checks to non-starter issues that would never pass in the Senate, thus giving Democrats a moral victory – and likely victory in Georgia.[americanliberty]

Our top Senate dog screwed up!

The November election was lost because of all the negativity surrounding Covid with Democrats blaming the actual spread of the virus on Trump. Two months later in Georgia, it was also about Covid as that was the major issue on voters minds. They didn't give a fig about our economy, socialism and this country going the way of Venezuela...they just wanted that $2,000 and they believed a phony pastor and the other communist shouting the same points.


  1. I guess you're going to follow Trump to the grave. Give it up Lynn. It's not going anywhere.

  2. @9:28--true--you communists won the game...for now.

  3. Please illuminate us: what Democratic administration policies in the past, or suggested by the future Biden administration have been, or may be, in any way remotely "communistic"? Do you like your Social Security and Medicare? Nothing communist about either of those programs. How about corporate subsidies? Which ones do you approve or disapprove of?

    You and your ilk love to toss around the words communist and socialist but can't provide a cogent definition of either. The orange god cult lost. You won't ever "win" again so get used to it.

  4. @1:49--Medicare and Social Security are NOT examples of socialism. They are social programs that people actually paid into for years. Get better talking points.
    So, now you will get your kicks about winning a rigged election.

  5. Medicare and Social Security are Social Programs!

    Of all of the people spouting off about socialism, the only one, who actually understands what he is talking about is Bernie.

    It can't be encapsulated in a few catch phrases.

  6. You think Bernie really knows what he’s talking about? That’s right, his honeymoon was in communist Soviet Union

  7. Biden stated that he had created the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud system 9.28 proud of their big guy crook and his self enrichment through a half century in public office?

  8. Yes, I'm sure Bernie studied Marx, Engels and Lenin. As well, he probably is familiar with Trotsky, and Stalin.

    I doubt if he has a picture of Stalin in his office, but he knows the philosophy and is able to cherry pick what he considers to be the good parts of the science and discard the millions who were murdered.
