Thursday, January 21, 2021

Genocide ongoing in China

Trump Admin Declared China Committing ‘Genocide;’ Prompts State Department Reviews, Potential Sanctions

The determination of atrocities is a rare action on the part of the State Department and it might be wishful thinking but it could lead the United States to impose more sanctions against China under the new administration of President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.

Last year, Joe said through a spokesman that the policies by Beijing amounted to “genocide.” Other nations or international institutions could follow suit in formally criticizing China over its treatment of its minority Muslims and taking punitive measures. The determination also prompts certain reviews within the State Department.

Let's see what happens with #46 and the decisions he makes in regard to our number one enemy and genocide.

1 comment:

  1. Let's worry about our own human rights, and let the UN worry about China! This is one of the reasons nobody likes us. We speak out of both sides of our mouths, and just put troops all over the world.

    We've been meddling in other people's affairs for too long. "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones".

    At least Trump didn't get involved in the Regime Change hobby that has been the focus of our Foreign Affairs under the previous regimes.
