Friday, January 22, 2021

Comey, a Guy who should be in Jail

Another Democrat Openly Calls for Violence on GOP Members

The standard Democrat answer to anything they don’t like is violence. “Burn it to the ground” is their favorite catchphrase. With the globalists over at the Open Societies Foundations pulling Joe Biden’s puppet strings, the next thing to be torched is the Republican party. James Comey is supplying the matches.

“The Republican party needs to be burned down. It’s just not a healthy political organization,” said James Comey.

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  1. To the communist who loves to leave out details of the capitol insurrection.
    Left-wing Activist Charged in Capitol Riot, John Sullivan.
    Prior to entering the Capitol building, Sullivan can be seen using a microphone to address the crowd outside and yelling "we about to burn this s**t down" before leading the crowd in a chant of "it's time for a revolution," FBI Special Agent Matthew Foulger said in an affidavit.

  2. I'm glad that SOB was caught and charged but do know how many Trump supporters have been arrested and charged by the FBI? Do you know that they killed an LEO? Because you're not talking about any of them. It's like they don't exist. All those thousands of Red Hats around the Capitol Building and you're talking about 1 left wing activist.

    Do you know how screwed up you have to be to ignore what you and your party did to this country? You do you understand how anti-American it makes you to try to hide that?

    God damn you, Lynn, and what you've contributed to what happened on January 6th. You suck as an American and it's time someone told you.

  3. I was going to delete this as I normally do as you do not care about policy here.
    However, yes, there were a lot of red hats there...we have no idea if they were Left-Wingers, Antifa etc wearing Maga hats and neither do you.
    You never address all the burning and looting and murder that happened across our country all summer.
    So, keep your "God damns" in check. Look in the mirror as to whom started all of this over the past 5 years.
    As far as "sucking" as an American, only a twisted Democrat would say that or believe it. Go back to reading Saul Alinsky. Go support Omari Hardy. Supporting Joe Biden is about as un-American as you can get.
    And---you are still not brave enough to post under a real name. You are the exemplar of a first rate coward who has zero credibility.

  4. To the one who continues to come over here and harass...get a Google account with a name. Then you will be at least a "real" person.
