Thursday, January 28, 2021

Can the United States depend on Joe?

Joe and CHINA Cozy Up Next to the Dumpster Fire as They Decide on Marriage Plans

"Only hours after assuming the post of appointed Governor for Central North America, as a local administrator of the New World Order global government, Joe Biden started to cozy up relations with China.

They’re holding political hands around the dumpster fire of Covid-19 and technical espionage, while they make their wedding plans to unite in open borders harmony."

Read more about Joe and our number 1 enemy.

"The CCP has not only gutted American manufacturing, stolen intellectual property worth hundreds of billions per year, and stolen military technology, but also infiltrated every aspect of our lives. The CCP strategy is to divide society by inciting hatred. This is the same strategy it used to seize power in China, pitting one group against another."

China's strategy is nearly complete!

Read the article...

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