Sunday, January 10, 2021

"Book Burning" continues

Amazon,Apple and Google Suspended Parler From App Store

Apple made good on its promise to suspend Parler from its App Store indefinitely over concerns the conservative social media site was not censoring content/

This is part of a national movement to silence conservatives and prevent mobilization of like-minded patriots. Actually Parler has always accepted diverse points of view.

“This is very huge,” Amy Peikoff, Parler’s policy chief, told Fox News on Friday, when Apple first threatened to remove the app. Without access to the App Store, she said, “we’re toast.”

Many people have deleted their Twitter accounts since their action against our President and have moved over to Parler.

John Matze--
"Google never had a conversation with us about an objective standard. Our position is that all the content they wanted us to remove was already removed or existed only on Twitter.

Their employees met with multiple people on our team a week ago via zoom. After they realized the call was being recorded they asked for clarity then they claimed they didn’t know how to properly use zoom and asked to reschedule the call. They never did and we have not spoken since.

We first heard about their decision in the press."

1 comment:

  1. Big tech companies have coordinated this attack against free speech. The war on free speech will continue with liberals. Free speech is now a conservative principle only. Liberals/Democrats and the Constitution don't gel.
