Sunday, January 24, 2021

Biden Voter's Remorse?

Biden supporters begin to experience voter’s remorse after his job-killing start as president

Well, we all could have told you that!

I’m gonna be honest with you though, YOU voted for this. I didn’t but we will be suffering. I’m so sick of the “Trump is mean” bs, the man built a great economy but your hurt feelings got in the way of you researching the truth. You let Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper lie to you every damn night into some unicorn utopia of complete GARBAGE.

The Biden administration shutting down the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline could and most likely will end thousands of American construction jobs. Those are union jobs for the most part. It has begun already as one company just put 1,000 employees on notice that they will be laid off over Biden’s Executive Order.

By stopping the Keystone XL pipeline, the Biden administration also killed more than 10,000 union jobs expected to be created throughout the pipeline’s development, as well as tens of thousands of additional jobs related to the project.

Read the article...

1 comment:

  1. they should be happy after bootalegg[sp] promisef 10,000 jobs after pipeline is shut down.tired of these winers
