Friday, January 22, 2021

All Lives (don't) Matter at Unity Wall in Lake Worth (Beach)

Lake Worth Beach's Unity Wall finds the controversy it was trying to avoid

"A rebellion of sorts against the All Lives Matter mural forced organizers, who are all Black, to reverse course. On Tuesday, volunteers painted over the words while leaving the depictions of Frederick Douglass, John Lewis, Barack Obama and Martin Luther King Jr.untouched."

What could be more unifying than "All Lives Matter?"

Carla Blockson, newly appointed commissioner in Lake Worth District 2 and chairwoman of the Unity Wall's Art Committee, said "We understand that everyone makes mistakes and missteps, but to admit your mistakes and move forward together, that's what we've done" as they painted over the All Lives Matter slogan.

This was not a misstep; it wasn't political nor was it a mistake. All lives do matter and it should to the organizers of the UNITY WALL.

Read about Lake Worth's "unity"


  1. Hardy was right. Racism does exist with some minorities, BLM, Antifa and Lefties.

  2. This makes me sad, as I was hoping for a strong woman to be on our Commission. But not as a black woman, just a woman! Looks like I will need to look for another candidate.

  3. This is the result of 10+ years of social media. People are unable to reason anymore.

    Eventually, an authoritarian system will come along, (almost there already) and tell these fools what to think, and it won't be what they were bargaining for.

  4. I remember Retha Lowe. She was a commissioner when I moved here. She could probably win if she ran again. She was well liked. Certainly not like what's-his-name.

  5. Retha Lowe is a leader in the black community. She was fined by the Election Commission for filing faulty reports...fined $2,500. She got off lightly. One Company was Southern Waste Systems,whose owner bundled $3,000 in contributions through various companies when there was a $500 cap on contributions in 2007. She paid the fine. It was unethical. She got caught.
