Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Where's Hunter?

New Rumors on the Whereabouts of Hunter Biden After Recent Release of Evidence

There are all sorts of rumors about Hunter. One is that he dropped dead. One thing for sure is, he's dropped out of sight making himself incognito to the press.

Click here to see what the "reliable" source of Jeffrey Epstein's mess said about Hunter.


  1. They will forever get away with their crimes. This is deeply embedded in the party like a cult.

  2. Even if the media knew where Hunter is hiding they would leave him alone. The hypocrites continue to get away with everything they accuse others of doing wrong.

  3. What difference does it make?

  4. @8:52. It makes a big difference as the Biden Family is corrupt as hell. And now Joe Biden won an election by what? CORRUPTION. The media is covering for Joe, his brother and Hunter. A corrupt media can not stand.

    The U.S. press, like the U.S. government, is a corrupt and troubled institution. Corrupt not so much in the sense that it accepts bribes but in a systemic sense. It fails to do what it claims to do, what it should do, and what society expects it to do.

    And therefore, as Trump say, their (meaning Democrats and the media) actions are of those in a Third World country.

  5. You should get a job with Russia Today with your “corrupt and troubled institution” comments, you echo what they say everyday about our great country.

  6. @10:07pm...obviously it's past your bedtime. The only people obsessed with Russia are Democrats. They lied and invented the Russian hoax and even allowed $45 million of our treasury go down the tubes to investigate it and impeach our president.
    You, along with the fake news media, belong in Russia.
    Now we're going to have fun with you and the corrupt Biden and the China connection.
    As previously, said, I don't want nut jobs commenting here, communists, socialists, etc. And Democrats can take a long walk.
    And as far as me breaking my own comment policy--that's rich. It's my blog and I can do what in the hell I want. You can't. Not fair? Boo hoo.
