Wednesday, December 2, 2020

This may be the most important speech I've ever made....


  1. This may be the craziest speech any American politician has ever made.

  2. Hi Steve--How is our favorite socialist/communist?

  3. Steve Elklman, why is it you want America to fail?

  4. Lynn: if your question is addressed to me, I'm fine.
    Anon: Failure is a soon-to-be ex-president losing his marbles in public.

  5. Well, Steve, that is your opinion. The election was rigged by a bunch of dishonest Democrats. You know it. I know it. The world knows it. I want the President to make sure every vote is should too. But honesty is not in the Democrats' playbook. They refer to Saul Alinski. Sad day for America and our Republic.

  6. Lynn
    The conspiracy you believe in would have to include a lot more people than the Democrats: all the various courts that have thrown out trumps claims, many members and officials of the Republican party, and trumps very own attorney general.
    Better to accept that he lost and move on rather than make yourself look like a crackpot and lose whatever credibility you have left.

  7. "He who fights and runs away, may live to fight another day"

    Trump is not acting like a man of valour. He's taking the cowards way out. Not accepting defeat graciously is making him look ridiculous.

    Even if, by some quirk of fate, he actually did get more votes, it's all over now. If you prefer to think of it as the deck being stacked against him, and that makes you feel better, by all means, feel free to do so, but please, for the sake of your readers, lets move ahead.

  8. Anonymous at 7:25 pm got that right.

  9. Now you're talking to yourself, Steve!

  10. How's that? I'm not the anonymous of 7:25 pm.

  11. To ALL Trump haters.
    I will not post your anti-Trump comments here.
    Start your own blog.
    You can NOT use this blog for your Democrat BS.

  12. Lynn
    If you can't engage in debate why do this?

  13. You are here to harass. I don't need that. Not interested in your politics that is detrimental to our country.
    Do you think this is about hearing your point of view? We already know what that is. It has nothing to do with "debate."

  14. Why allow comments if you don’t want to know what others think?

  15. No one here is interested in what a Far Left Democrat thinks. As I have said time and again, post your crap somewhere else. Don't like your arrogance or condescending behavior on this conservative site. Move along. Go back to your Occupy movement or Antifa or whatever.
