Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Criminal Conspiracy against President Trump

President Trump’s Game of Chess that Biden will Ultimately Lose

"When dealing with the stolen election of November 3, 2020, some perceive President Trump as a victim who was taken unaware. Let me assure you that Donald Trump is not a victim.

If we compare the election fraud situation to a game of chess, Trump is not three moves ahead on a chess board. He is twenty moves ahead! It is difficult to understand how far Donald Trump is ahead of all of us."

Read what the Conservative Business Journal has to say

1 comment:

  1. When will Biden concede to President Trump?

    It is beyond time for him to admit that the results that came in after the polls closed are fraudulent.
    He boasted that he had created the greatest voter fraud system and the results show it is time for him to concede.
