Friday, December 18, 2020

The Biden/China Connection

Damning Emails Show The Biden's Requesting $10M From Chinese Chairman

A series of emails from 2017 between Hunter Biden and CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming shows the President-elect's son sending "best wishes from the entire Biden family," and requesting the chairman "quickly" send $10 million to "properly fund and operate" the Biden joint venture SinoHawk Holdings with the Chinese energy company that has since gone bankrupt.



  1. Wow this sounds bad. Now tell us about Ivanka’s Chinese patents. Thanks!

  2. Trademarks filed in 2016. Common practice. She and the President are not, were not taking graft from a foreign country for some sort of political favor. They were protecting their intellectual property that China has been known to steal. Trademark stealing in China is rampant.
