Thursday, December 3, 2020

Sen. Mastriano Discloses Trump Victory Path Following PA Election Fraud Hearing

Broad and wide fraud in Pennsyvania!


  1. You're 2-3 days behind on fast moving news stories, Lynn. This is old news and isn't even relevant anymore.

    Keep dropping your 2 day old "bombshells." Can't wait for you to post tomorrow or Saturday about Barr being called to the Oval Office on Tuesday.

  2. Don't worry about it...I post X number of posts each day. There is so much going on, I could post every 5 minutes and expose all you deadbeat Democrats. There is so much material out there.

  3. To the person who wanted to post here at 6:12 tonight with the intent to disparage me, this is to inform you in case you do not understand, this IS a political blog so it’s not unusual that I take the positions that I do. My friends who are Patriots understand that.
