Friday, December 18, 2020

Racism in play as to whom is more deserving to get Vaccinated

Medical Expert Says COVID-19 Vaccine Should Be Delayed for the Elderly Because They’re White

At least three medical experts who spoke to the New York Times, for a piece that discussed who should receive a COVID-19 vaccine first, cited race as a reason for giving priority to one group over another.

In detail: Dr. Schmidt, who is an assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania, argued that essential workers should receive the vaccine before the elderly because the majority of them are white.

Read more about this idiotic Racism


  1. Something about liberals where we realize they are all out in left field somewhere.

  2. Step 1) Disease affects certain group more severely - Step 2) scientists suggest considering treating that group first, as is routinely done in many outbreak scenarios around the world - Step 3) instead of soberly considering the life and death implications of which groups to Vaccinate on priority basis, here comes Lynn and the propaganda sheets to turn it into a race war. Bizarre and unproductive, Just like usual, Lynn.

  3. @9:28--typical Democrat BS. It was not I who turned it into racism. These people did that. It should never be about race. Remember your candidate who stole the election said, "I pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide, but to unify; who doesn't see red states and blue states, only sees the United States." In other words, discrimination against white people is unacceptable in Biden's world or so he says. Take your "leader's" sword as an example. And tune into the news and learn something about what these people said.

  4. They can have mine!

  5. On the news: UBER is offering free rides only for "people of color"to receive vaccine. Blatantly racist and patronizing.
