Saturday, December 5, 2020

Public Input for developments in Lake Worth is in order

Lake Worth Beach majority commission against requiring developers to meet with public

I listened to the commission meeting and I agree with Herman Robinson.

There is no earthly reason why developers can't meet with the public when they want to build a large project. It is our city after all. It is apparent through the years that the commission wants development for the tax base. They want to build high, a Wes Blackman belief. Wes is an urban planner running for mayor. They could care less about what the residents think or what the city looks like or even how much tax money we are giving to them to attract that development.

Remember that "small town charm?" As you recall, they went against the vote back in 2012. Respectful Planning Lake Worth PAC was formed to gather petitions to get an item on the November 6 ballot to limit building heights in downtown Lake Worth. We won the vote but clever commissioners found a way to get around the will of the people. Retaining the small town charm was not their desire or intent.

And to be completely fair here, Betty Resch's statement was spot on as were all those who submitted comment cards. It didn't matter in the end, as the commission decided to wait for a staff report. We know how it will all end.

Read about it...


  1. Bornstein runs this city. Whatever he and William Waters want, goes.

  2. These city officials always lacked transparency. Sneaky behind the scene moves will keep this city down. Remove them ALL! Vote them all out ! P.s.- will someone please tell Andy Amoroso it is illegal to have someone pose as a candidate against him so he can continue to raise money for his campaign. Miss Stokes is not running. Its just another one of Amoroso’s tricks to get the money. Look at his last campaign and his reports ,they speak for themselves. Look at Miss Stokes last campaign and report. There are none she put her name in the race and that was it .no one ever heard of her. Amoroso get your act together. Many are watching ...

  3. Brian--Who is Miss Stokes? I only know of drew Martin running against him.
