Sunday, December 13, 2020

Obama Playing Blame Game

Obama Blames Rush Limbaugh And Fox News For Ruining His ‘Connection’ With Conservatives

"Former President Barack Obama blamed Fox News and conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh on Tuesday for losing the “connection” he claims he had with conservatives before he was president."

The only "connection" he had with conservatives (at least White conservatives) are all of those who voted for him just to prove to themselves that after being called "racist" by the Democrat party for far too long, that they really weren't. Also they believed in this "hope and change" slogan as we had undergone an invasion of Iraq under George W. Bush, with the argument that the Saddam Hussein regime possessed an active weapons of mass destruction (WMD) program, and that the Iraqi government posed a threat to the U.S. It didn't.

We spent a small fortune in Iraq--$12 billion in U.S. currency was transported from the Federal Reserve to Baghdad in April 2003 and June 2004, where it was dispensed by the Coalition Provisional Authority. A Vanity Fair magazine report concluded that of this sum, at least $9 billion had gone missing.

People were sick of this and fed into the hope and change mantra. But then under Obama we invaded Libya as Obama was looking for a regime change. And then we had the Benghazi cover-up by Clinton and four Americans were killed including our Ambassador. It all escalated from there as to why conservatives turned from Obama.

Read about Obama...