Saturday, December 26, 2020

DNC directly involved and Meddled in Iowa Caucus

Things Go From Bad To Worse For DNC

Investigators Show They Didn’t Just Meddle In Caucus Chaos, They Intentionally Caused It--AND the DNC Lied about it

The Democrat National Committee has been caught meddling in the Iowa Caucus. Could this have been a trial run for the November election?

Earlier this year the Democrat Iowa Caucus turned into chaos because an app being used for reporting failed. According to a recent report conducted by the state, it was all the DNC’s fault.

Initially, the report suggested that the DNC was responsible for mandating the app to be used, it turns out the DNC was directly involved in the development process as well.

Read about it...

We all know that later there was massive voter fraud in the General Election.

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