Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Defamation lawsuit filed against Fake News CNN

Trump Administration Official Files $50 Million Defamation Lawsuit Against CNN

There have been hundreds of lawsuits during this election by Republicans and Democrats and this is just one more to add to the list.

The lawsuit by Kash Patel, the chief of staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller, claims in the defamation lawsuit that CNN published false statements and promoted “unfounded left-wing political narratives” by identifying Patel as a pro-Trump conspiracy theorist who was trying to damage Democrat nominee Joe Biden.

The complaint claims the network “attacked” Patel “because CNN was deeply invested in promoting the Russia collusion hoax and the fraudulent ‘dossier’ manufactured by Fusion GPS.”

The media needs to be held responsible for their false, biased reporting.

Read about it...

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