Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Trump delivers remarks in the White House last night

"Frankly, we won this election!"


  1. Oh, coming from a communist...I heard you don't even live around here now--New York is it? Good place for a communist. California is another.
    President Trump IS inspiring...66 million people say so.

  2. Well, if NY, I hope you love paying a lot of taxes. Of course, you are around those of your "own kind." Wearing a mask, Steve? Locked down? Joy.

  3. Taxes a little higher, cost of living lower — don’t have to drive endless miles among crazed drivers past endless boring strip malls and ticky-tacky gated communities. More art, literature, culture and educated people. Fewer gun nuts and less shallow materialism. Wearing mask and social distancing when advisable, as grownups do. People here believe in science and don’t act like babies who don’t like their medicine. If this is communism I’ll take it.

  4. Rent too high, cost of living too high, Taxes in the top 10 in the country, 90 degrees in the summer with trash all over the street, homeless problem out of control,dirty, expensive, rude obnoxious people hustling, DeBlasio, the worst of the worst, governor stinks, people living on top of people. Happy you're happy, definitely. All Blue people should live in a blue state. You must live near the city.

  5. I’m two hours north of the city. On the Hudson on the edge of the Catskills.
    You don’t get out much, do you?

  6. Very happy where I am, Steve. This has been my home ever since I moved back when I was 25. The only thing I would like to see change, is the number of Democrats. Are you still writing?
