Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The Corrupt Bidens

Another Hunter Biden laptop taken into custody during DEA raid: Report

The records show that James Biden planned outreach to a host of Democratic politicians and world leaders as the group pursued business deals with China in 2017 and that Hunter Biden aimed to avoid having to register as a foreign agent.

James Rosen, a reporter with Sinclair Broadcasting, also reported Thursday that a Justice Department official had confirmed with him that the FBI opened up a criminal investigation into “Hunter Biden and his associates” in 2019 that was focused on allegations of money-laundering and that the investigation was still open and active.

So why the slow pace in this investigation? The FBI can get right on a complaint about Trump supporters surrounding a Biden campaign bus.


When the race is finally and eventually called for Donald Trump, in spite of Democrats trying to steal this election (signatures don't have to match, no postmark on envelope, etc.), this Biden investigation will escalate.

1 comment:

  1. Director Wray is going to be out on his ass very soon.
