Saturday, November 14, 2020

PB County Republican Party Chair speaks of obstacles endured in Blue County

Dear Fellow Republicans,

As the battle to secure every legal vote rages across the country, I wanted to take the time to say bravo to our committee members, volunteers, candidates, office workers, and donors! You made our victory in Palm Beach County and in Florida happen for President Trump. Palm Beach County undoubtedly has the most dedicated and selfless Republican/Trumplican activists in the country.

This past election was brutal for all of us, and we have endured much:

• Sign wavers at Trump Corner and in Wellington have been threatened and harassed;
• Headquarters staff have received multiple threatening phone calls and letters with feces;
• Our office computer system was subject to a harmful cyber-attack;
• Early voting volunteers were violently assaulted and suffered injury;
• We were pestered by election site supervisors constantly changing the markers and had the police called on us without cause;
• Almost all of our candidates had their signs stolen and vandalized;
• Our local volunteers have even been slandered by Democrats and their media allies...

Yet in spite of all this and more, we prevailed! Be assured that President Trump knows of our effort and sacrifice, which resulted in the largest Republican turnout by numbers (334,642) and percentage (43.22%) in recent Palm Beach County history. Thank you!

Michael A. Barnett, Chairman


  1. Not enough, Michael. You should have been registering voters.

  2. I signed up to be a poll worker and worked the March elections as the pandemic broke out. I took two in person training sessions and several online sessions. There is an overwhelming number of vigilant Democrats who have been doing the poll working gig for a very long time. They do not want any Republicans around to watch and question what they are doing. There is supposed to be a Republican matched with a Democrat for each function to assure there are witnesses so nothing questionable is done. I was assigned to a polling station for the primary.
    The supervisor for the location knew I was a Republican and did everything she could to get rid of me. Once ineffective SOE Wendy
    Link gave in and I left (after arriving at 5:30 a.m.) there was no Republican remaining (only an independent - which they said was sufficient even though Independents cannot even vote in the primary). I was not called back for the November election nor was my GOP friend who I convinced to be a poll worker. Even the training is infiltrated and taught by Democrats and geared against GOP. Jokes were made about Trump and other pending issues like Felons voting and no one told them to stop. Disrupters were present and intentionally set an anti-GOP AntiTrump demeanor even during training. Wendy Link did nothing to deter it because she was running for re-election and didn’t want to make waves. If responsible honest people don’t get involved on the inside during elections this is what happens. Get involved now!

  3. Did you report this to the Republican Party? Did they give you phone numbers to call if you ran into problems?

  4. 1:49, In the words of the Immortal Imus: You're a lyin weasel!

  5. @4:12...why do you think he is lying? Is everyone a liar if they don't fall in line with the Left narrative?

  6. Because I was there, and nothing like that happened.

  7. Rules For Radicals--DENY, DENY, DENY.
    You were WHERE, anonymous?

  8. Everybody who wants to work the elections has to go to two classes. I went to two classes, and decided it was too much work for too little money. A friend of mine also signed up; he went to two classes, as well, but on different days than I went, and he never mentioned any irregularities. He then went on to work at the polls, several times. He is a Republican. I am an NPA. They don't even have the same instructor at the two classes.

    You are in a big cold room, with a bunch of disparate people. You could possibly see someone you knew, but I didn't. It is mostly retired people, but not all. It's all you can do to stay awake!
