Thursday, November 5, 2020

Palm Beach Election Trivia

Biden won in the Mail-In votes, not just in Palm Beach County but was dominate across the country. Our turn-out in Palm Beach County was substantial in early voting and on election day.

As there are only 293,211 registered voters in Palm Beach County, we picked up some NPA's and a few from other parties. All but 7,484 registered Democrats voted assuming all those registered Democrats voted for Biden.

Michael Barnett, Chairman of the Palm Beach County Republican Party said, "Palm Beach County Republicans did very well Tuesday night. We improved over 2016 by a full two percentage points, 51,000 more votes, adding to President Trump's state-wide numbers and pushing him over the top. We did our job in Palm Beach County!"



  1. Loomer has not taken down her signs all over Lantana. I believe she will be fined for that, but don't worry, she won't pay them. She is completely unscrupulous, and wouldn't be expected to act in any other manner.

    Besides that, she's Nuts!
