Thursday, November 26, 2020

Mad Dog Mattis doesn't believe in "America First"

Jim Mattis Reveals His Hopes For A Biden Administration And They’re Absolutely Appalling

(Right Country) – "Hey remember how excited folks were to have Jim “Mad Dog” Mattis as the Secretary of Defense at the beginning of President Donald Trump’s first term?

That love affair ended quick, brutal, and extremely violent. Mattis soon proved that he’s not really the patriot we all believed him to be when he turned on the president and actually resigned from his post." Personally, I believe Trump fired his sorry azz and he was allowed to resign.

Read about Mad Dog...


  1. President Trump won this election. There is no doubt in my mind.

  2. One would think that on Thanksgiving Day the socialist trolls would stay quiet and be thankful but no, they have to rear their ugly head even today. Get lost.

  3. The President has always supported our brave men and women in uniform, unlike Joe Biden.

  4. Trump has shown himself pro-military, and willing to give every honor to our brave men and women in uniform
