Saturday, November 28, 2020

Joe Biden Interview with Lester Holt - Biden's Plans for first 100 days

Regarding Covid-19 and getting kids back in school--The first argument: We can’t spend the money. The second argument: Our best investment isn’t our children but our businesses.

Listen to what Joe Biden has to say about his priorities in his first 100 days some of which are:
  • Immigration bill making citizens of the 11,000,000 plus illegals
  • Will "do away with" many of the Trump Executive Orders
  • Wants to Bail out state and local governments for mismanagement and keep them from "going under"
  • Wants to focus on minority communities and people on the edge by getting them $$$$

1 comment:

  1. Just what we need, open borders and more criminals. this guy is bad news.
