Wednesday, November 25, 2020

James Mattis drinking Chinese Green Tea

James Mattis failed to disclose his role with consultant tied to China in bombshell column

A media-celebrated Foreign Affairs column this week by former Defense Secretary James Mattis blasting President Trump’s “America First” theme did not disclose that Mr. Mattis holds a senior position at The Cohen Group, which dedicates itself to making business deals in communist China.

No wonder he "resigned" from the Trump administration. Our Commander in Chief was wise to this guy. And now he wants Biden to dismiss Trump's America First policy. Of course he does.

Read about this disgraced general


  1. To the total idiot who just tried to post here:
    You are one sick individual...really, truly SICK.
    Go find a doctor and get cured of your twisted brain cells.
    No Republican disparages anyone in the military. What we do take exception with is a traitor among the ranks. Even if Hanoi Hilton songbird was not respected by many Vets, Republicans went against him when he was the Republican and the one who brought down the healthcare bill because of vindictiveness towards Trump. He lost his election and never got over it.That's a guy who had an extremely flawed character. Throw in John Kerry, a Democrat into the flawed character mix.

  2. @1:18==Of course I did not post your comment. You're demented.
    Please let me know if you are on my X'mas card list. I purged a few liberals last year. Just want to be sure I don't spend one dime wishing you anything but what you deserve.
