Monday, November 2, 2020

“I’ll lead an effective strategy to mobilize trunalimunumaprzure,” says Joe!

Biden is desperate

Joe Biden’s campaign is feeling the heat in the last minute run up to the November election. He stooped low enough to invoke images of Hitler in his latest ad. That comes on heels of a totally incomprehensible statement he made in front of the camera. It seems that the hearse that’s been dogging the Harris-Biden campaign bus really has him rattled. [GOPTimes]


  1. Do me a favor and when Trump and Loomer get crushed, don't whine and cry about a rigged election. Try to take it like an adult. You had your 4 years. Now get ready to let Democrats have theirs.

  2. Why do you think Trump will get crushed? Laura probably will but I give her an A+ for effort in a heavily dominated Democrat County.
    The country is not ready for socialism or a president with dementia.


    Americans don't want him.

    Don't worry. You'll get over it.
