Thursday, November 19, 2020

Governor Ron DeSantis: update on therapeutics, vaccine distribution plan on Covid


  1. Maybe now the Palm Beach Post will STFU

  2. I'm not letting anyone tell me what I put into my body. All of a sudden DeSantis wants to listen to scientists? What a bunch of BS. Don't tell me I have to wear a mask and you better not tell me I need to get a vaccine.

    Any Republican who follows the instructions of these idiots is a RINO.

  3. I'm not saying DeSantis ordered us to take the vaccine or wear a mask but others have and will. Who is not reading here?

    But he is using a vaccine that has been developed by scientists and we all know that they can't be trusted but yet DeSantis is saying, "Yeah ship Florida all the vaccine that you can!" When do we stop being stupid? When do we say if the scientists are wrong in telling us to wear masks maybe they're wrong with their vaccine? Oh no. That makes sense!

  4. you TRUST anyone anonymous? I plan on getting the vaccine when offered.

  5. I just think it's stupid to trust scientists when they tell us that a vaccine works but don't trust them about masks or climate change or anything else. DeSantis is a big fake if he thinks scientists are cool for the vaccine then says they're wrong about masks.

    No, I don't trust anyone these days. People say one thing and do another. People say they're conservative and then they vote for someone who blows up the deficit, gives out money to Americans like it was candy and goes to church once every 6 months. That's Trump. It's all BS.

  6. @6:20. You are the one full of BS.
    It is the pharmaceuticals that are saying that the vaccine is 95% effective.
    Look to Congress if you have a problem with the deficit. Tax cuts under Trump grew the economy. Look to increased government spending for the deficit. Covid didn't help it either. Congress voted on the Stimulus.
    And don't get into Trump's church going.
