Friday, November 6, 2020

DHS Election Fraud Sting

DHS Sting Operation Rumors of Massive Voting Fraud

President Trump has had Democrats in Congress, U.S. Intelligence agencies, big tech, and the mainstream corporate media create fake Russian collusion attacks, fake impeachments, fake 25th Amendment backdoors, and all matter of outright lies and fake news to take him out. President Trump knew back in 2018 that the election in 2020 was going to have massive election fraud by the Deep State Establishment to take him out. So, back in 2018, his Administration had the DHS create radioactive isotope watermarks on legitimate ballots that can’t be photocopied. Source: The Hill

Read about the DHS Sting


  1. There is a point, Lynn, where you have to move on. We are at that point.

  2. Biden himself statesd that the Democrat party had built the greatest voter fraud system in history'.

    Postal worker was told by his supervisor to hand stamp the Nov. 3 date on ballots collected on Nov. 4

    Pennsylvania poll watchers were harassed and told to stay 30 feet away from the ballot counting and review.

    PENNSYLVANIA court told watchers to be allowed to be 6 ft away from poll workers reviewing but order was violated by Pa democrat officials.

    1000s of Unobserved overnight ballots dumped were all for Biden.

    We know Biden is crooked.

    9.21 is ok with all of these illegal acts.Time for her to wake up.
