Sunday, November 29, 2020

Depraved Authoritarianism - Keith Olbermann

CRAZED: Keith Olbermann Wants To Convert Trump Hotels Into Prisons For Supporters

The holiday season is amplifying the fascistic tendencies of the political left with strict stay-at-home restrictions, snitching on neighbors, and calls for reprisals, and supporters of President Trump have targets on their backs.

In yet another unhinged outburst, former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann called for the conversion of properties owned by Trump including his hotels into prisons for those who have backed the president.

This nut job should have stuck with sports announcing on ESPN but he burned his bridges there as well.

Read about the Whack job


  1. why do these assholes hate this looks like they are just plain jelouse.they should just go sleep with the groups they like.kkk blm antifta.cant spell so use letters.thats what happens when your head is stuck in sand so long

  2. Democrats have been brainwashed for the most part. And the globalists have so much money behind them to bring down our Republic. George Soros should be banned right along with social media companies that allow this insurrection.
