Thursday, November 5, 2020

Biden ran on a known Lie

Biden closed campaign repeating false claim that fueled his run

Speaking through a bullhorn before a small, parking-lot gathering in the city of his birth, Scranton, Pennsylvania, Biden recalled when he "saw those folks come out of those fields down in Charlottesville, carrying those torches ... that's when I decided I had to run."

What a phony! Trump condemned the KKK, neo-Nazis, and white supremacists and has done so repeatedly.

And he should now condemn all the phony mail-in ballots,precinct shenanigans, more ballots than registered voters and not allowing Republican poll watchers within 50 feet of the count.


  1. Trump condemned hate groups like he condemned Putin in Helsinki when he said, “why would he do that, I believe him”, then trump had to back track and say that’s not what he meant to say.

  2. It was you Democrats who invented a Russian conspiracy. And as it turned out with Putin, the FBI was involved in a fake conspiracy that cost the taxpayers $40 million over two years and they found NO, ZERO, NADA involvement with Russia by Donald Trump.

  3. why dont you guys stop bickering back and forth im a republican and beleive there are fibs told on both a black man in cal. said"cant we all just get along"
