Friday, November 13, 2020

Alan Dershowitz says Trump's challenge in PA is Winnable

Alan Dershowitz to Newsmax TV: Pennsylvania Lawsuit Is Strongest for Trump

"The strongest lawsuit is the one in Pennsylvania involving the votes by mail that were submitted before the end of election day but weren't received until after election day," Dershowitz told Wednesday's "American Agenda."

"There they have a very good chance of winning in the Supreme Court on the basis of Article II of the Constitution that clearly says that it's the legislature, not the state courts, that decide voting rules," Dershowitz said told host Bob Sellers. "And Pennsylvania used the [state] Supreme Court decision rather than the legislative decision.

Read more at Newsmax


  1. And one day, like a miracle, he will be gone.

  2. And one day, when the election is certified, he will be--unfortunately. You have no idea what you did to our country. But I forgot, you are a communist.

  3. Conservatives may need to practice "NOT MY PRESIDENT" "Pedophille" "communist/socialist" and never ever let it stop.


  4. @6:35. I think we will leave that sort of stuff to Democrats. That's all they do is whine, complain, lie and cheat and after 4 years, they are still doing it.

  5. To anonymous who wanted to post here at 7:15.
    I don't post your comments because you are one crazy nut job. ok? You and your ilk are about to destroy our country. Sadly, it is you and your commie friends who hate America. We won't forget you either. Take a hike.

  6. The election was rigged. Everyone knows it.

  7. The great Dershowitz! One of the defenders of O.J.Simpson
