Monday, October 12, 2020

Putin says Democrat's ideology has shared values with Soviet Communism

Russian President Putin favorably compares Biden and Democrats to Soviet Communists

Putin once again denied that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 U.S. election and pledged to work with whomever wins the 2020 election, Newsweek reported. But he favorably remarked on the Democratic Party's ideology, comparing it to the old Soviet Union's Communist Party and said those shared values may be a "basis for developing contacts" with Biden should he win the White House.

"The Democratic Party is traditionally closer to the so-called liberal values, closer to social democratic ideas," Putin said. "And it was from the social democratic environment that the Communist Party evolved."

Read about it...


  1. Most Americans hate communists, Lynn. You, on the other hand print their words and amplify them when they serve your purpose.

    Putin put bounties on the heads of American soldiers.

    You're a useful idiot, Lynn. America's enemies love idiots like you.

  2. Sorry--my Internet, etc was down until 6:30 tonight--
    Yes, I would imagine that only Democrats have the intelligence to lead this great nation.
    I would hope that most people do not like communism but that is where the Democrat party is headed today. We even have a few in Lake Worth.
    As far as a bounty by Putin on US Military, that was in the New York Times. I don't believe anything from that rag and especially the BS propaganda pout out by the Democrats on this or any other subject.
