Friday, October 2, 2020

Demoralization in America - The Radical Left

Below is a video of ex-KGB man Yuri Bezmenov discussing demoralization in America.

It's happening in front of our very eyes!


  1. One, this is 40 years old.

    Two, he is describing you, Lynn. Someone who is unable to discern the truth from fiction. Your Russian-funded "right wing" websites like The Powdered Wig that fill your head with all sorts of disinformation which you then turn around and post on this blog as "opinion."

    You and your colleagues are the generation this guy is talking about. A generation that has been so demoralized, that you all are lost and it will take other generations to save America.

    You watched this, right, Lynn?

  2. are really out of your frigging mind! LOL.
    It has all come true and it is your communist left-wingers who are ruining our country. "This guy," Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov, was projecting the future. And it's all true.
    As Yuri said, "As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell him nothing, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures. ...he will refuse to believe it... That's the tragedy of the situation of demoralization."
    We see it now happening in our schools and in the media, the left tearing down our history and white is now black. He is describing YOU!
    Why would you think I did not watch it?

  3. Forget I said anything, Lynn.

    You're beyond help...and you're the perfect useful idiot.

  4. @8:16...your comment is against policy but what do Democrats care about that? You attack me personally. The difference is I attack Democrats' beliefs on a general basis. They are horrible for our country and for the survival of our country. Stop reading Saul Alinsky. Try reading Charles Krauthammer or William F. Buckley, Dinesh D'Souza or Charlie Kirk.

  5. you know lynn there are a lot of things you post which i dont agree with but i get past it.this dem who keeps attacking you has no brain.thought we could see this country talk to each other without the hate.tell her target has a sale on panties.hers are to small.cutting off blood to her brain
