Friday, September 11, 2020

Two Complaints filed against Omari Hardy with Florida Ethics Commission

As reported in the Lake Worth Herald


  1. haha, did he ever pay his electric bill?

  2. Do you know who filed the complaints?

  3. imagine that! He doesn't follow rules.

    Lake Worth biggest loser.

  4. Nobody will care. Most politicians are crooks. It's the only job they can get.

  5. Much more to come regarding MR. HARDY Watch and see

  6. Will Hardy ever STFU? What a divisive young man he is. Full of hate, trying to rile up the black population in our city and turning people against whites. Ain't going to happen. Did his two moms raise him to be this racist? Seems like he has had advantages everyone can have in this country. A good education. Voted into office that took a lot of White people. Does he really believe the hate he spews? He's going to get along really well in Tallahassee.

  7. that's interesting. you can teach school without being certified? No wonder our schools suck

  8. So happy when he leaves town. He doesn't even live here and is getting paid to be a commissioner.

  9. Mr Hardy was certified to teach with the provision he pass the teacher test within 3 years. Guess what???? It appears he didnt pass the teacher test for whatever reason.

    He is educated as a teacher, remember, that's the loan he isnt paying back.

    If elected, I am sure he will make Lake Worth "pay" for not supporting his agenda. More than not voting for him, we better try to make sure he isnt elected. His history shows that he hates Lake Worth.

  10. @12:05. It's really a shame how Omari Hardy developed into a racist activist hater especially in this little city where we have zero problems. But I guess he had the pre-disposition for unfair bias all of the time and it didn't come out fully until his decision to run for higher office. Each meeting his attitude got worse towards his fellow commissioners, the city manager, etc.
    I voted for Omari. I make mistakes. He is extremely intelligent but he tackled the wrong commission just like he will in Tallahassee.
